1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm e-mail
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the todon.nl moderators.

  1. We do not accept racism (in all its forms, incl. hate against Muslims, antisemitism, apartheid and casteism - see our Terms of Service for our complete definition).
  2. We do not accept hate against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, pansexuals, transgenders, non-binary people, intersexual people, queer people in general, etc.
  3. Sexism, misogyny and hate against black women (misogynoir).
  4. We do not accept ableism (incl. COVID-19 denial/downplaying and anti-vax) and body-shaming.
  5. We do not accept harassment and trolling.
  6. We also do not accept other forms of hate speech.
  7. We do not accept (sexual) abuse of minors, adults and animals (also not virtual).
  8. We do not accept glorification of violence, calls for murder, death threats, terrorism and militarism.
  9. We do not accept (neo)colonialism (incl. Zionism), imperialism in all forms and nationalism (above all nationalism of nation states, incl. flags/symbols of those on Todon.*, see our Terms of Service).
  10. We do not accept fascism, right-wing populism, and right-wing and religious extremism.
  11. We do not accept evangelisation and other forms of religious propaganda [local only], and extreme sects and cults.
  12. We do not accept Marxist-Leninists (Stalinists, Maoists, etc) or other followers of extreme authoritarian (so called) communist/socialist ideologies/regimes (aka tankies).
  13. We do not accept capitalists, including so called 'anarcho-capitalists' (aka ancaps) and neoliberals.
  14. We do not accept anthropogenic climate change denial, downplaying the climate crisis, greenwashing and deceptive climate solutions (like nuclear energy).
  15. We do not accept (right-wing) conspiracy 'theories', hoaxes, fake news and other forms of disinformation.
  16. Another rule in our terms of service at wiki.todon.eu/todon/terms_en. Explain in the final step.